Category: Albania

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  • Category: Albania
Risk management policy: what is it and how can we benefit from it?

Risk management policy: what is it and how can we benefit from it?

A risk management policy serves as a structured framework within an organization, designed to identify, assess, prioritize, and mitigate risks across various facets of its operations. By formalizing this approach, organizations can benefit in several ways. Firstly, it facilitates the systematic identification of risks, and this proactive stance enables the organization to anticipate potential challenges

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Service Alert from Cyber Morfosis

Service Alert from Cyber Morfosis

At Cyber Morfosis we are more than happy to introduce our latest offering tailored for businesses, a specialized training on “Secure Coding & Threat Modeling”. This training is designed for your development teams and treats best practices in security, coding standards, and threat analysis to fortify your applications against cyber threats, reduce bugs, and provide

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Market Research: Albanian Travel Agencies’ Privacy Policies

Market Research: Albanian Travel Agencies’ Privacy Policies

Cyber Morfosis has completed an analysis of privacy policies across various travel agencies in Albania. The study was meticulously designed to evaluate key aspects such as Compliance (C), Data Security (DS), Data Collection Practices (DCP) and User Rights (UR) among others.Here are some main key insights:1. Compliance Variability. The level of adherence to data protection

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Cyber Morfosis selected among winning startups from Germin

Cyber Morfosis selected among winning startups from Germin

Cyber Morfosis has been selected as one of the winning startups in the “Diaspora in Support of Albanian Women Entrepreneurs” project fromĀ GERMIN, supported by the Small Grants Program of the Democracy Commission of the American Embassy in Tirana. This recognition is not just an honor; it’s a testament to our commitment to innovation, entrepreneurship, and

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