Category: Industry

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  • Category: Industry
Companies, Certificates, and Regulations: which one to choose

Companies, Certificates, and Regulations: which one to choose

Many companies rightly ask us about the importance of aligning their digital environment with various security certificates or regulators. For most of them, this comes as a request from their clients, more than an obligation. In fact, understanding which certificates align with their industry is the first step towards a good posture and the right

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Service Alert from Cyber Morfosis

Service Alert from Cyber Morfosis

At Cyber Morfosis we are more than happy to introduce our latest offering tailored for businesses, a specialized training on “Secure Coding & Threat Modeling”. This training is designed for your development teams and treats best practices in security, coding standards, and threat analysis to fortify your applications against cyber threats, reduce bugs, and provide

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Market Research: Albanian Travel Agencies’ Privacy Policies

Market Research: Albanian Travel Agencies’ Privacy Policies

Cyber Morfosis has completed an analysis of privacy policies across various travel agencies in Albania. The study was meticulously designed to evaluate key aspects such as Compliance (C), Data Security (DS), Data Collection Practices (DCP) and User Rights (UR) among others.Here are some main key insights:1. Compliance Variability. The level of adherence to data protection

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Quick thoughts on SMEs risk levels

Quick thoughts on SMEs risk levels

SMEs quite often underestimate their risk levels and may lack robust security protocols.Here are three main key points to consider: Data Breach Impact – Even a small data breach can have devastating effects, from financial loss to reputation damage. Regula Updates and Backups – Ensure your systems and software are regularly updated. Backup your data frequently.

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