Category: Education

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  • Category: Education
Companies, Certificates, and Regulations: which one to choose

Companies, Certificates, and Regulations: which one to choose

Many companies rightly ask us about the importance of aligning their digital environment with various security certificates or regulators. For most of them, this comes as a request from their clients, more than an obligation. In fact, understanding which certificates align with their industry is the first step towards a good posture and the right

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ID Management implementation

ID Management implementation

Identity Management (ID Management) is a process that involves organizing and controlling the digital identities of individuals (employees/clients/partners/etc.) within an organization, including their personal identifiable information (PII). This process generally includes the creation, modification, and removal of an individual’s account from the system. Here are some practical steps for implementing identity management services: Our experts

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Market Research: Albanian Travel Agencies’ Privacy Policies

Market Research: Albanian Travel Agencies’ Privacy Policies

Cyber Morfosis has completed an analysis of privacy policies across various travel agencies in Albania. The study was meticulously designed to evaluate key aspects such as Compliance (C), Data Security (DS), Data Collection Practices (DCP) and User Rights (UR) among others.Here are some main key insights:1. Compliance Variability. The level of adherence to data protection

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TVA – Threat, Vulnerabilities, Assets triad

TVA – Threat, Vulnerabilities, Assets triad

In information security, there’s a crucial triad: threats, vulnerabilities, and assets (TVA – Threat, Vulnerability, Asset). For security management, they are interconnected and often analyzed together. To understand how these three elements affect each other, let’s first provide some examples of each: The presence of threats and vulnerabilities implies the need to anticipate the possibility

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